Kumi Conducts Capacity Building Training of Extension Workers on Implementation of Farmer Field Schools Methodology
Extension workers in Kumi District, Uganda, have recently undergone capacity-building training on the implementation of the Farmer Field Schools (FFS) methodology. The training, which took place from September 18th to September 20th, 2024, aimed to equip agricultural extension workers in the fields of Veterinary, Crop, Fisheries, and Entomology with the necessary skills to effectively deliver advisory services to farmers in the district. Led by Agricultural Officer Julius Ibirot, the training focused on the participatory nature of the FFS methodology, which involves guiding farmers through all stages of production, from seed selection to harvest marketing. Ibirot emphasized that the FFS approach is group-based, allowing farmers to engage in discovery learning while receiving technical guidance from extension workers when needed. The initiative is part of the UGIFT micro-scale irrigation project, which seeks to enhance small-scale farmers' access to irrigation equipment through matching grant arrangements with the district. By bolstering the knowledge and skills of extension workers, the program aims to ultimately increase agricultural productivity in the district. The implementation of the FFS methodology is expected to empower farmers to make informed decisions and improve their agricultural practices, contributing to overall growth in the agricultural sector. Extension workers at the field of one of the farmers.